Supporting networking 和 collaboration across the Life Science sector

Our ‘澳门在线赌城娱乐交换: Science 和 Business Mentoring’ programme connects start-ups 和 entrepreneurs with AstraZeneca experts within our local life science ecosystems. 通过指导, our mentors help early-stage businesses to explore 和 develop their ideas more effectively. The types of mentoring 合作伙伴hips are diverse, both in time commitment 和 activities covered.

该计划在澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的几个R&D hubs: 瑞典哥德堡; 英国剑桥; 波兰华沙; 和 Waltham 和 盖瑟斯堡, US. Local programmes are tailored to the needs of each country 和 the availability of suitable mentoring expertise. 然而, the goal remains the same – to leverage the scientific 和 commercial expertise of our people to support life-science start-ups 和 entrepreneurs.

We know that innovation doesn’t happen in isolation - if the sector grows, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐都在成长, 病人也会受益.


澳门第一赌城在线娱乐在这座城市有30年的历史,现在有超过4年的历史,000名员工位于该地区, our presence in 剑桥 reinforces our deep commitment to the UK 和 the country’s global importance as a location for life sciences R&D. 

The scale of our collaborations across the 剑桥 life sciences ecosystem is significant, 有超过200次合作, 包括剑桥大学的130多个. We are working in 合作伙伴hip with the University of 剑桥’s Judge Business School, 巴伯拉罕研究所, Lucy Cavendish College 和 a host of other organizations to support the 剑桥 life sciences ecosystem. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐通过科学和商业指导来实现这一目标, participation in panel discussions 和 start-up pitch competitions, as well as supporting start-up companies as non-executive directors. The opening of our global Discovery Centre (DISC) at the heart of the 剑桥 Biomedical Campus represents the next step in building the collaborative 和 dynamic community 和 culture we have long been committed to, 和 which has been the guiding spirit behind our growing presence in 剑桥.


哥德堡一直是澳门第一赌城在线娱乐全球R的所在地&D site in West Sweden for more than 50 years with a focus on generating 和 delivering global impact. 该地区有650多家生命科学公司, who put 哥德堡 on the map as one of the most creative 和 important places globally for the life sciences.

在哥德堡R上&D单位点, we have more than 3 000 people from 70+ countries supporting the entire life-cycle of AstraZeneca medicines, 从药物发现到临床试验, 到全球商业化和产品维护.

We work with 合作伙伴 to create the right environment for a sustainable ecosystem 和 culture that supports innovation, 业务增长和人才供应. 通过诸如 GoCo健康创新城BioVentureHub卫生工作 和 OligoNova 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐提供新兴的生命科学公司, academic groups 和 other health innovators with a unique opportunity to co-locate, 与澳门在线赌城娱乐专家共同创造和互动, 和彼此相处, 推动生命科学, 医疗保健和病人的健康.

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的目标 AZ Exchange Mentoring in nordic is to leverage our scientific 和 commercial expertise in a business-to-business advisory model via established incubators, 和 engage around queries identified by the start-up companies connected to these incubators.


AZ Exchange-US launched in 2020 和 is designed to mentor startups to give back to the innovation community. We share our pharma perspectives 和 insights to enable success of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. 

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐与一些组织建立了伙伴关系,例如. MassBio, 平衡, 以及 John Hopkins Tech Ventures. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐不断增长的导师池增加了重要的肿瘤学, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐, 市场营销, 并向全球导师网络提供业务发展方面的专业知识. 截至目前,, we have advised over 50 startups with tremendous support 和 positive feedback received from startups, 合作伙伴, 和学员. 


The 澳门在线赌城娱乐交换 Mentoring programme was launched at our Warsaw site in 2019 as a part of the Warsaw Site Scientific Initiative 和 capitalises on diverse expertise within our Polish site from almost 3,000名员工. We have organised mentoring sessions for academic teams 和 start-ups with AstraZeneca experts from Pol和 和 other locations. 主要目标是为早期科学提供建议, 技术转让方面以及其他核心业务领域. We promote the mentoring programme through a series of interactions, 为大学做报告和讲座, 科研机构和初创企业. One of the core activities of our mentoring programme is collaboration with the Innovation Hub Foundation, 华沙卫生创新中心, 波兰技术转让中心协会, whose primary goals are intellectual property protection 和 management 和 commercialisation of innovation. This collaboration opened up access for AstraZeneca to more than 70 universities, 波兰的科研机构和许多初创企业. The interest in 澳门在线赌城娱乐交换 is continuously growing 和 the scientific community is now amongst the biggest 合作伙伴 of the programme in Pol和. We use Forum space as a platform for the fostering innovation in Pol和.

Veeva ID: Z4-63734