
在澳门在线赌城娱乐肿瘤科,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的首要目标是有一天消除癌症这一死亡原因. 在澳门第一赌城在线娱乐努力实现这一目标的同时,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的肿瘤R&D战略有三个核心组成部分: 

Through persistent innovation we have built one of the most diverse portfolios in the industry and it continues to expand. We are balancing our focus on our industry-leading pipeline with the active life-cycle management of our existing medicines; expanding indications, 为那些癌症患者提供最大的未满足需求. 

此外, 合作和业务发展机会 are an integral part of our approach to strengthening our portfolio and setting us up for future success. 了解更多关于澳门第一赌城在线娱乐在肿瘤学领域的合作关系&D.



  • by activating the immune system to boost the body’s natural defences which can slow the growth of 癌症 cells, 摧毁细胞或阻止它们扩散.
  • 通过专注于直接杀死癌细胞的机制. 

结合这两种方法可以对抗多种肿瘤逃逸机制, 可能比单独使用一种途径具有更大的抗肿瘤活性. 像这样, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的产品组合跨越多个科学平台, with different modalities and mechanisms to kill 癌症 cells directly or activate the immune system against 癌症:


  • 抗体药物偶联物(ADC): 这些靶向药物将化疗药物输送到具有单克隆抗体的癌细胞, 通过化学连接连接到细胞毒性药物. This highly targeted and cell-specific mechanism has the potential to reduce side effects for those being treated with the drug. 1
  • Radioconjugates: 这种方法将放射疗法传递给肿瘤细胞, enabling 癌症 cells to be destroyed in a more targeted manner than traditional external beam radiation, 为患者提供更有针对性的治疗.
  • DNA损伤反应(DDR): DNA损伤是一个关键因素 肿瘤进展和大多数癌症更依赖于这一过程. DDR抑制剂阻断癌细胞中DNA损伤反应途径的特定组分, 导致癌细胞死亡,同时保持健康细胞完整.
  • 肿瘤驱动因素和耐药性: We are developing therapies that directly target specific mutations and block resistance mechanisms that cause 癌症 cells to proliferate, with the goal of extending survival by targeting biological pathways and combating 癌症 as it evolves.
  • 实验胚胎学: 失调的 表观遗传过程 是否会引发疾病,是癌症的标志. 通过研究这些表观遗传缺陷是如何导致癌症的, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐可以开发针对这些变化的治疗方法.3,4
  • Immuno-oncology (IO): 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在开发下一代 IO 疗法 to empower the immune system to more effectively recognise and kill 癌症 cells and to overcome the immunosuppressive mechanisms that 癌症s frequently develop as they evolve. We are focusing on novel combinations of IO therapies and designing bispecific antibodies that simultaneously target different immune checkpoints on the same cell.
  • 免疫衔接器: 人们越来越感兴趣的领域是 t细胞衔接器 是什么 重新引导 免疫系统的 t细胞识别并杀死癌细胞, 从而增强病人自身的抗癌免疫反应.5
  • 细胞疗法: We are building a pipeline of next-generation cell therapies that are designed to overcome current barriers to the widespread adoption of cell therapies for both solid and haematological tumours, 比如可伸缩性和可访问性方面的挑战. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐收购了Neogene therapeutics, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在扩展到t细胞受体疗法(TCR-T), 通过靶向细胞内靶点开启癌症生物学的新空间.6


澳门第一赌城在线娱乐相信,真正的潜力在于综合治疗, 从多个角度攻击癌细胞. 的 breadth and depth of our portfolio allows us to trial many of these combinations to achieve a more durable, deeper response as we strive towards our ambition of transforming 癌症 outcomes and increasing the chance of cures. 

We are working towards a future where conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapy are replaced with targeted combinations of ADCs, 分子靶向治疗, 和免疫疗法. 

例如, combining ADCs that directly kill 癌症 cells with immunotherapies that drive the patient’s own immune response and support the tissue microenvironment to eradicate the tumour, 是否有助于推动更强、更持久的患者反应. We are also exploring the potential for maximising DNA damage induced 癌症 cell death by combining ADCs with DDR inhibitors.


图2:通过循环肿瘤DNA (ctDNA)等筛查和诊断早期发现癌症

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在探索使用 循环肿瘤DNA (ctDNA), 检测癌症, 为患者选择正确的治疗方法,并确定治疗的有效性.

We have a collaboration with the company GRAIL to develop blood-based companion diagnostics for early-stage 癌症. 通过这次合作, we will leverage GRAIL’s multi-癌症 early detection test to recruit patients onto 临床 trials for the investigation of our 癌症 treatments in early 癌症. 的 test not only includes the potential 检测癌症s with limited screening options at present but also importantly tells you which tissues they come from.7



只要掌握了正确的数据, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐可以改变癌症药物的发现和开发,更快地为患者提供新的治疗方法. 数据与人工智能 嵌入澳门第一赌城在线娱乐所有的R&D活动, 从新型抗癌药物新靶点的鉴定, 预测要制造哪些分子, 更好地预测临床成功, 通知, 加快临床试验招募. 数据和人工智能使澳门第一赌城在线娱乐能够利用新技术, automate processes and push the boundaries of science to accelerate innovation and the delivery of life-changing medicines.


计算病理学 is the integration of machine learning and digital imaging with traditional pathology techniques as next generation diagnostics. Advances in data science and computing now allow us to integrate data from immunohistochemically stained 癌症 tissue images with genomic, 放射学, 临床, 还有其他数据, 应用深度学习算法获得新的见解. 

定量连续评分(QCS)是澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的新发明, fully automated 计算病理学 solution that not only looks for the presence or absence of a biomarker but also quantifies the intensity of staining and its location in sub-cellular compartments. 现在, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐在临床试验组合中率先使用QCS, 未来的目标是获得监管机构的批准,成为一流的人工智能驱动诊断技术.


数字的能力 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐在R上嵌入&D对于创建人与数据之间的无缝连接至关重要. Our ambition is to reimagine healthcare – transforming patients’ healthcare journeys to improve earlier diagnosis, 更精确的治疗和主动的数字监测,以获得更好的结果, 数字化驱动, 纵向数据与人工智能, 通过最近推出的Evinova, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的全球健康技术业务离这个目标更近了.

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐还在继续研究, 创建和提供数字医疗解决方案, 通过Evinova, 都是有科学依据的, evidence-led, 人类的经验驱动. 精心设计,使每个人都能共同取得更好的健康成果.


澳门第一赌城在线娱乐相信,正是所有这些因素的结合,为澳门第一赌城在线娱乐未来的成功奠定了基础. 通过结合这些创新, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐希望能改变癌症患者的预后和生存率.



1. 彼得斯C,布朗S. 抗体-药物偶联物作为新型抗癌化疗药物. Biosci代表. 2015;35(4):e00225.

2. Alhmoud JF, Woolley JF, Al Moustafa AE, Malki MI. 癌症中的DNA损伤/修复管理. 癌症(巴塞尔). 2020;12(4):1050.

3. 温赖特EN,斯基迪迪,P. 表观遗传学和癌症干细胞:释放、劫持和限制细胞可塑性. 趋势癌症. 2017;3(5): 372–386.

4. 李建军,李建军,李建军. 靶向染色质重塑用于癌症治疗. 当前Mol药物. 2019;12(3):215-229.

5. Huehls AM, Coupet TA, Sentman CL. 肿瘤免疫治疗中的双特异性t细胞接合物. 免疫细胞生物学. 2015;93(3):290-296.

6. 国家癌症研究所. CAR - T细胞:改造病人的免疫细胞来治疗他们的癌症. 网上: http://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/treatment/research/car-t-cells. 2024年4月发布.

7. GRAIL Announces Strategic Collaboration with AstraZeneca to Develop Companion Diagnostic Tests to Enable the Treatment of Early-Stage Cancer. 新闻稿:2022年6月2日. 可以在 http://grail.com/press-releases/grail-announces-strategic-collaboration-with-astrazeneca-to-develop-companion-diagnostic-tests-to-enable-the-treatment-of-early-stage-cancer/. 2024年4月发布.

Veeva ID: Z4-62243


  • 肿瘤学